Think carefully before securing debt against your home, your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
The Financial Services Conduct do not regulate all types of buy to let mortgages.
Here at Sandcastle Mortgages (Oxford) Limited we ensure that we find the right mortgage deal to suit your individual circumstances and needs. Whether you are a first- time buyer looking to purchase your first home, a home mover, an existing mortgage account holder looking to re-mortgage on to a better deal or to raise additional funds. You may be looking to invest in the buy to let market for the first time or be a Professional Landlord, whatever your situation or need we aim to help you achieve it. We can source the right mortgage deals from the whole of the market.
First Time Buyer – First time purchaser of a property. Never had a mortgage before.
Home Mover – Already own a residential property and are looking to purchase a new residential property.
Re-Mortgage (both residential or investment) – Often a new lender will offer you better deals than you will be offered staying with your current lender. A re-mortgage can be a way to potentially release some of the capital in the property to complete home improvements, a deposit for a second property, repay existing debts, transfer of equity or change of property use. However, this may not be suitable in all circumstances and you may end up paying more in the long term.
The buyer buys part of the property with the help of a mortgage and rents the remaining share from the housing association.
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